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Biscuits, pancakes, or waffles! |
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Southern Chocolate Gravy Recipe - (Sauces)
5 tablespoons cocoa (heaping)
4 cups sugar
1 can pet evaporated milk (12 ounces)
1/2 stick of butter
Use a large skillet if you have one. Mix sugar and cocoa together and gradually add pet milk. Stir and mix all together. Place on medium to high heat and stir as the mixture begins to get hot. As you see the mixture beginning to bubble start gradually turning heat back to medium. Continue to boil and stir as you gradually reduce the heat to medium. You want continuous bubbles but do not cook fast. Turn to low add 1/2 stick of butter and stir. The gravy is thin and does not have to be really thick.
Thoughts On Chocolate Gravy:
The whole process does not take more than 10-12 minutes to cook. Pour over hot biscuits, pancakes, or waffles. Serve with scrambled eggs and breakfast meat. This recipe does not have four so it will seem less grainy in texture. I prefer chocolate gravy like this but you can try other recipes with flour to see what you like.
More Information On Chocolate Gravy:
I found a great article by Allrecipes called Why Southerners Are Obsessed With Chocolate Gravy (and Why You Should Be, Too) that you will enjoy.
Quick Question Or Two For You:
People either like chocolate gravy or they don't. Which one are You? Reply to this post and let me know. Also, did you see my last recipe? It is called Strawberry Pretzel Pie and I know you will enjoy it.
My Thoughts For The Day:
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Just to spark your imagination. |
I remember being in my pre-teens and getting to visit my great-grandmother on my dad's side of the family. She lived in Oklahoma. It was a small country farmhouse and I would say around three bedrooms from my memory. The picture above is not a picture of the farmhouse. I wanted to share with you the "feeling" that a childhood experience in Oklahoma might be like.
One of my fondest memories was waking up early in the morning to my great-grandmother cooking breakfast. I could smell the scent of bacon in the air. She always had her hair pulled back into a tight little bun. She wore wire-rim glasses and a dress with an apron while she cooked. There was an old metal ladle hanging at the kitchen sink to get a drink of water from the sink.
Eggs, bacon, biscuits, white gravy, and of course she would make chocolate gravy. I always loved the chocolate gravy. Unfortunately, I do not have her recipe but this one is very close. I would love to know your thoughts on chocolate gravy.
Keep on cooking!
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